BioHPP® stands as the pinnacle of physiological substructure materials in dental prosthetics. Its three core features - physiological nature, aesthetic appeal, and unparalleled biocompatibility - make it a preferred choice for discerning dental professionals globally.

The BioHPP® Advantage:

 1. Natural Force Distribution: Unlike rigid materials like metal or zirconium, BioHPP® aligns with the jawbone's natural torsion. Traditional prosthetic materials can increase tensile and compressive forces on the roots, especially in the premolar and molar regions. These forces can negatively impact natural movement patterns and can have adverse effects such as bone atrophy. BioHPP® comes into play by significantly mitigating these peak masticatory forces, ensuring a more natural and harmonious integration with the patient's existing structure. 
2. Protective Mechanisms: Natural teeth are fortified with Sharpey's fibers, which play a crucial role in retaining the tooth within the jaw and absorbing forces applied to it. After the placement of an implant or in the case of a root-treated tooth, these fibers are no longer present. The result? Peak masticatory forces are directly transferred into the jaw, potentially compromising osseointegration and impacting opposing teeth. BioHPP® takes the center stage again, reducing these forces considerably, especially when used for abutments. This reduction is particularly pivotal for immediate restorations, ensuring reliable osseointegration. 
3. Reducing Stress and Enhancing Durability: Prosthetic restorations made of rigid materials, such as titanium or zirconium, often result in a direct transfer of forces to the implants and jawbones. This can be detrimental in the long run. BioHPP®, with its unique property, reduces stresses caused by both natural forces and those attributed to the prosthetic restoration. As a result, not only do patients experience enhanced comfort, but the longevity of the restoration is also substantially increased. 
We incorporate BioHPP®in all our products including:
Single Implant Crowns and Bridges with BioHPP® abutments
FP3 All on X solutions in our BioHPP® bars
FP1 All on X solutions with BioHPP® abutments
Learn More about our products here